Introduction of Pharmacology02
Metabolism of drug05
Relevant practice about major curriculum01
Inter-individual variability of drug response, pharmacogenomics02
New drug development and clinical trials03
Optimal pharmacotherapy and concepts of PK/PD04
Pharmacotherapy in liver and renal impairment05
Pharmacotherapy of elderly, child, pregnant and lactating women06
Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM)07
PK-PD and biomarker08
Drug-drug interaction09
A case discussion about individualized optimal pharmacotherapy10
What is drug?02
A Case discussion about personalized optimal pharmacotherapy using biomarker03
Career Path04
Beside teaching05
Genetic testing practice06
PK/PD and statistics07
Consultation on personalized optimal pharmacotherapy08
TDM practice09
Understanding of study protocol/Writing practice of study synopsis10
Data analysis practice of clinical drug research11
Medication information search practice12
Personalized optimal pharmacotherapy and drug transporters13
Assessment of adverse events14
A case discussion about drug-drug interaction15
Pharmaceutical medicine16
Modeling & simulation17
Writing practice of informed consent form (ICF)18
A case discussion about pharmacotherapy of special population19
Role play